Connect to the apps your team uses daily. Visualize, optimize, and understand your cloud architecture. Doggo-speak is heavy on onomatopoeias like bork, blep, mlem and blop and ever-expanding. A visual workspace for diagramming, data visualization, and collaboration. It is used to describe the thoughts, feelings and actions of dogs in a cutesy way. The term "Doggo-Speak" was first added to Urban Dictionary by user Slartibartfastlemon on August 17, 2017, under the definition "Doggo-Speak or Doggolingo is a language used frequently across the Internet. On July 23rd, 2017, Redditor chickencombo13 posted to the r/expanded_doggo sub seeking help with cataloging the many terms from the online language and serves as one of the oldest collections of words now considered a part of the lexicon. One of these memes is the famous video of Gabe the Dog called "Careless Bork" (shown below, original video blocked due to copyright) that is thought to have popularized the term "bork" from the Doggolingo lexicon. DoggoLingo, also known as 'Doggo-Speak,' is an internet language, lexicon and slang terminology used to describe the actions and behaviors of dogs (though sometimes cats and other animals are included) from the perspective of themselves as internal dialogue or spoken word, often with onomatopoeia. An article published by NPR on April 23rd, 2017, titled "Dogs Are Doggos: An Internet Language Built Around Love For The Puppers" covers this trend and includes several examples of memes that helped propel the language into the mainstream. In 2017, the term used to describe this internet language was covered by numerous media outlets attempting to explain the strange phenomenon. An article on Medium published by Shirley Lee on February 2nd, 2017, covers the early formation of this lexicon in extensive detail, attributing the creation of the term to the Facebook group Dogspotting and to the Twitter account WeRateDogs. The companys apps include animal character readers. Though these memes from 2015 are considered among the first examples of Doggolingo used in imagery, the term itself is thought to have surfaced sometime in 2016. Guide is a Miami, Florida based technology startup company developing a newsreader app that translates text from online news sources, blogs and social media streams into streaming audio and video. This particular meme called Stop It Son, You Are Doing Me A Frighten dates back to November 8th, 2015, from iFunny user Watimoro, and is thought to have aided in the spread of the early formations of Doggolingo. An example of this can be found on Imgur uploaded by user awkwardseaturtle on December 16th, 2015 (example seen below). After the creation of this page, doggo memes then became a trend on Reddit and Imgur throughout 2015, seen in multiple albums hosted on the website. The exact origin of the term being coined is somewhat unknown, but " doggo" was first used on the now deactivated Facebook page Ding de la Doggo back in 2014. software,diagram software,snek,nope,nope rope,danger noodle,snake,internet names,animals,doggo,ad,funny,meme,Sneks might be nope ropes, or they might be danger noodles, or they may very well be.